Tuesday, October 27, 2009

HIstory of Google in 2 minutes !

Just found this video on youtube. Its nicely developed to showcase the history of google. Have a look at it.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Apayee Linux !

Hello All,

I have been in the process making an linux distribution for the server environment. I have been making some progress in what ever time I get. As part of this project, I would like to understand the ways that we can customize the Linux and then I would be working on the customization of the linux kernel. As of now, I have compiled the linux from sources and booted with virtual box. Now, the distribution is setup with command line and networking support. My next task would be creating an live cd out of this. You can find below the screencast of Apayee Linux running on virtual box.

For more information, please visit http://www/apayee.com

Thanks and Regards,