Thursday, June 11, 2009

Play Windows Games on Linux - Try Cedega Today !

So, you are 1 out of many people who use windows just for gaming ??? If so, you can try this cedega tool and check whether your favourite game works on linux ! There are a few options when it comes to playing Windows games on Linux. Cedega is a great tool to allow you to play these games under Linux.

You can check whether your favourite game is supported by cedega here. (

Remember that latest versions of cedega is not free. You may need to subscribe it here

But, older stable version can be downloaded from their cvs and compiled :)

Compilation Instructions :

Help Script :

If you are scared about compiling by yourself, dont worry ! Your favourite linux distribution (Ubuntu, Suse, Fedora ...) might have already packaged it for you. Just check in their repositories :)

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