Friday, December 4, 2009

How to Profile Memory in Linux.


I found this great article on a Linux mailing list. It is written by Jake Dawley-Carr and I honestly do not know what the copyright is on it but since it was posted on a mailing list, I assume it is in public domain. If the author contacts me, I will remove it but meanwhile, I would like to republish it because there is no knowing how long the article is going to be indexed and it would be too bad it to get lost.

HOWTO: Profile Memory in a Linux System

1. Introduction

It's important to determine how your system utilizes it's
resources. If your systems performance is unacceptable, it is
necessary to determine which resource is slowing the system
down. This document attempts to identify the following:

a. What is the system memory usage per unit time?
b. How much swap is being used per unit time?
c. What does each process' memory use look like over time?
d. What processes are using the most memory?

I used a RedHat-7.3 machine (kernel-2.4.18) for my experiments,
but any modern Linux distribution with the commands "ps" and
"free" would work.

2. Definitions

RAM (Random Access Memory) - Location where programs reside when
they are running. Other names for this are system memory or
physical memory. The purpose of this document is to determine if
you have enough of this.

Memory Buffers - A page cache for the virtual memory system. The
kernel keeps track of frequently accessed memory and stores the
pages here.

Memory Cached - Any modern operating system will cache files
frequently accessed. You can see the effects of this with the
following commands:

for i in 1 2 ; do
free -o
time grep -r foo /usr/bin >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

Memory Used - Amount of RAM in use by the computer. The kernel
will attempt to use as much of this as possible through buffers
and caching.

Swap - It is possible to extend the memory space of the computer
by using the hard drive as memory. This is called swap. Hard
drives are typically several orders of magnitude slower than RAM
so swap is only used when no RAM is available.

Swap Used - Amount of swap space used by the computer.

PID (Process IDentifier) - Each process (or instance of a running
program) has a unique number. This number is called a PID.

PPID (Parent Process IDentifier) - A process (or running program)
can create new processes. The new process created is called a
child process. The original process is called the parent
process. The child process has a PPID equal to the PID of the
parent process. There are two exceptions to this rule. The first
is a program called "init". This process always has a PID of 1 and
a PPID of 0. The second exception is when a parent process exit
all of the child processes are adopted by the "init" process and
have a PPID of 1.

VSIZE (Virtual memory SIZE) - The amount of memory the process is
currently using. This includes the amount in RAM and the amount in

RSS (Resident Set Size) - The portion of a process that exists in
physical memory (RAM). The rest of the program exists in swap. If
the computer has not used swap, this number will be equal to

3. What consumes System Memory?

The kernel - The kernel will consume a couple of MB of memory. The
memory that the kernel consumes can not be swapped out to
disk. This memory is not reported by commands such as "free" or

Running programs - Programs that have been executed will consume
memory while they run.

Memory Buffers - The amount of memory used is managed by the
kernel. You can get the amount with "free".

Memory Cached - The amount of memory used is managed by the
kernel. You can get the amount with "free".

4. Determining System Memory Usage

The inputs to this section were obtained with the command:

free -o

The command "free" is a c program that reads the "/proc"

There are three elements that are useful when determining the
system memory usage. They are:

a. Memory Used
b. Memory Used - Memory Buffers - Memory Cached
c. Swap Used

A graph of "Memory Used" per unit time will show the "Memory Used"
asymptotically approach the total amount of memory in the system
under heavy use. This is normal, as RAM unused is RAM wasted.

A graph of "Memory Used - Memory Buffered - Memory Cached" per
unit time will give a good sense of the memory use of your
applications minus the effects of your operating system. As you
start new applications, this value should go up. As you quit
applications, this value should go down. If an application has a
severe memory leak, this line will have a positive slope.

A graph of "Swap Used" per unit time will display the swap
usage. When the system is low on RAM, a program called kswapd will
swap parts of process if they haven't been used for some time. If
the amount of swap continues to climb at a steady rate, you may
have a memory leak or you might need more RAM.

5. Per Process Memory Usage

The inputs to this section were obtained with the command:

ps -eo pid,ppid,rss,vsize,pcpu,pmem,cmd -ww --sort=pid

The command "ps" is a c program that reads the "/proc"

There are two elements that are useful when determining the per
process memory usage. They are:

a. RSS

A graph of RSS per unit time will show how much RAM the process is
using over time.

A graph of VSIZE per unit time will show how large the process is
over time.

6. Collecting Data

a. Reboot the system. This will reset your systems memory use

b. Run the following commands every ten seconds and redirect the
results to a file.

free -o
ps -eo pid,ppid,rss,vsize,pcpu,pmem,cmd -ww --sort=pid

c. Do whatever you normally do on your system

d. Stop logging your data

7. Generate a Graph

a. System Memory Use

For the output of "free", place the following on one graph

1. X-axis is "MB Used"

2. Y-axis is unit time

3. Memory Used per unit time

4. Memory Used - Memory Buffered - Memory Cached per unit time

5. Swap Used per unit time

b. Per Process Memory Use

For the output of "ps", place the following on one graph

1. X-axis is "MB Used"

2. Y-axis is unit time

3. For each process with %MEM > 10.0

a. RSS per unit time

b. VSIZE per unit time

8. Understand the Graphs

a. System Memory Use

"Memory Used" will approach "Memory Total"

If "Memory Used - Memory Buffered - Memory Cached" is 75% of
"Memory Used", you either have a memory leak or you need to
purchase more memory.

b. Per Process Memory Use

This graph will tell you what processes are hogging the

If the VSIZE of any of these programs has a constant, positive
slope, it may have a memory leak.

Reference :

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

HIstory of Google in 2 minutes !

Just found this video on youtube. Its nicely developed to showcase the history of google. Have a look at it.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Apayee Linux !

Hello All,

I have been in the process making an linux distribution for the server environment. I have been making some progress in what ever time I get. As part of this project, I would like to understand the ways that we can customize the Linux and then I would be working on the customization of the linux kernel. As of now, I have compiled the linux from sources and booted with virtual box. Now, the distribution is setup with command line and networking support. My next task would be creating an live cd out of this. You can find below the screencast of Apayee Linux running on virtual box.

For more information, please visit http://www/

Thanks and Regards,

Friday, September 18, 2009


You can successfully deliver more web services — despite tight budgets and reduced resources — by using open source software and applying proven best practices. Open source software can help your enterprise build and deploy rich Internet applications safely, affordably, and quickly — if done right.

Our complimentary guide will arm you with the knowledge you need to determine whether you should consider open source for your application platform and to understand how it can reduce your platform costs and complexities.

In 11 pages, this free guide describes how using open source will:

» Lower your risk as Web application implementations grow
» Reduce operational costs
» Speed exploration/trial and deployment of new software

Reference :

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

IE within Firefox ? Try IE Tab Today !

IE Tab allows users to view pages using the Internet Explorer rendering engine from within Firefox. This may be useful for viewing pages that only work in Internet Explorer (e.g. Windows Update) without exiting Firefox. Pages viewed through the IE Tab extension will be recorded in Internet Explorer's history, cache, and so on, as if they had been viewed directly in Internet Explorer. The extension has become popular among web developers, since they can display and compare their websites in the two browsers simultaneously.

Download and try it from here. (

Screenshots :

Reference :

Creating Tiny ELF Executables For Linux !

Recently got a nice article link from my friend.

If you're a programmer who's become fed up with software bloat, then may you find herein the perfect antidote.

This document explores methods for squeezing excess bytes out of simple programs. (Of course, the more practical purpose of this document is to describe a few of the inner workings of the ELF file format and the Linux operating system. But hopefully you can also learn something about how to make really teensy ELF executables in the process.)

Please note that the information and examples given here are, for the most part, specific to ELF executables on a Linux platform running under an Intel-386 architecture. I imagine that a good bit of the information is applicable to other ELF-based Unices, but my experiences with such are too limited for me to say with certainty.

Please also note that if you aren't a little bit familiar with assembly code, you may find parts of this document sort of hard to follow. (The assembly code that appears in this document is written using Nasm; see

In order to start, we need a program. Almost any program will do, but the simpler the program the better, since we're more interested in how small we can make the executable than what the program does.

Let's take an incredibly simple program, one that does nothing but return a number back to the operating system. Why not? After all, Unix already comes with no less than two such programs: true and false. Since 0 and 1 are already taken, we'll use the number 42.

So, here is our first version:

  /* tiny.c */
int main(void) { return 42; }

which we can compile and test like so:

  $ gcc -Wall tiny.c
$ ./a.out ; echo $?

So. How big is it? Well, on my machine, I get:

  $ wc -c a.out
3998 a.out

(Yours will probably differ some.) Admittedly, that's pretty small by today's standards, but it's almost certainly bigger than it needs to be.

The obvious first step is to strip the executable:

  $ gcc -Wall -s tiny.c
$ ./a.out ; echo $?
$ wc -c a.out
2632 a.out

That's certainly an improvement. For the next step, how about optimizing?

  $ gcc -Wall -s -O3 tiny.c
$ wc -c a.out
2616 a.out

That also helped, but only just. Which makes sense: there's hardly anything there to optimize.

It seems unlikely that there's much else we can do to shrink a one-statement C program. We're going to have to leave C behind, and use assembler instead. Hopefully, this will cut out all the extra overhead that C programs automatically incur.

So, on to our second version. All we need to do is return 42 from main(). In assembly language, this means that the function should set the accumulator, eax, to 42, and then return:

  ; tiny.asm
mov eax, 42

We can then build and test like so:

  $ nasm -f elf tiny.asm
$ gcc -Wall -s tiny.o
$ ./a.out ; echo $?

(Hey, who says assembly code is difficult?) And now how big is it?

  $ wc -c a.out
2604 a.out

Looks like we shaved off a measly twelve bytes. So much for all the extra overhead that C automatically incurs, eh?


Please continue reading from below :

Reference :

Friday, August 7, 2009

Apayee User Group

I have started a new user group and it can be accessed over here. (

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Linux Podcasts !

Dont miss the podcasts about the latest news on linux... You can configure your favorite player to listen... gives the lists of linux podcasts .... Just check that out....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

POSIX Process Group !

If you want to kill a process by its pid with all its sub process and dont want the child process to continue under init process ? Then process group is the one you may want to look at.


By using p1, if you want to kill entire p1,p2 and p3 then we can look into process group. Remember that linux kill command has a option to send signals to entire process group like this :

kill -s sig_num -pid

Also, if you want to start a process through a cgi script and detach it completely from httpd process this would be helpful.

A small program to showcase the use of POSIX setsid.

use POSIX qw(setsid);

chdir '/' or die "Can't chdir to /: $!";
umask 0;
open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!";
#open STDOUT, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!";
open STDERR, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!";
defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!";
exit if $pid;
setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";

while(1) {
print "Hello...\n";

Further details on the process groups ...

Process Groups and Tty Management

One of the areas least-understood by most UNIX programmers is process-group management, a topic that is inseparable from signal-handling.

To understand why process-groups exist, think back to the world before windowing systems.

Your average developer wants to run several programs simultaneously -- usually at least an editor and a compilation, although often a debugger as well. Obviously you cannot have two processes reading from the same tty at the same time -- they'll each get some of the characters you type, a useless situation. Likewise output should be managed so that your editor's output doesn't get the output of a background compile intermixed, destroying the screen.

This has been a problem with many operating systems. One solution, used by Tenex and TOPS-20, was to use process stacks. You could interrupt a process to run another process, and when the new process was finished the old would restart.

While this was useful it didn't allow you to switch back and forth between processes (like a debugger and editor) without exiting one of them. Clearly there must be a better way.

The Berkeley Approach

The Berkeley UNIX folks came up with a different idea, called process groups. Whenever the shell starts a new command each process in the command (there can be more than one, eg "ls | more") is placed in its own process group, which is identified by a number. The tty has a concept of "foreground process group", the group of processes which is allowed to do input and output to the tty. The shell sets the foreground process group when starting a new set of processes; by convention the new process group number is the same as the process ID of one of the members of the group. A set of processes has a tty device to which it belongs, called its "controlling tty". This tty device is what is returned when /dev/tty is opened.

Because you want to be able to interrupt the foreground processes, the tty watches for particular keypresses (^Z is the most common one) and sends an interrupt signal to the foreground process group when it sees one. All processes in the process group see the signal, and all stop -- returning control to the shell.

At this point the shell can place any of the active process groups back in the foreground and restart the processes, or start a new process group.

To handle the case where a background process tries to read or write from the tty, the tty driver will send a SIGTTIN or SIGTTOU signal to any background process which attempts to perform such an operation. Under normal circumstances, therefore, only the foreground process(es) can use the tty.

The set of commands to handle process groups is small and straightforward. Under BSD, the commands are:

int setpgrp(int process_id, int group_number);

Move a process into a process group. If you are creating a new process group the group_number should be the same as process_id. If process_id is zero, the current process is moved.

int getpgrp(int process_id);

Find the process group of the indicated process. If process_id is zero, the current process is inspected.

int killpgrp(int signal_number, int group_number);

Send a signal to all members of the indicated process group.

int ioctl(int tty, TIOCSETPGRP, int foreground_group);

Change the foreground process group of a tty.

int ioctl(int tty, TIOCGETPGRP, int *foreground_group);

Find the foreground process group of a tty.

int ioctl(int tty, TIOCNOTTY, 0);

Disassociate this process from its controlling tty. The next tty device that is opened will become the new controlling tty.

The POSIX Approach

The BSD process-group API is rarely used today, although most of the concepts survive. The POSIX specification has provided new interfaces for handling process groups, and even overloaded some existing ones. It also limits several of the calls in ways which BSD did not.

The POSIX process-group API is:

int setpgid(int process_id, int process_group);

Move a process into a new process group. Process_id is the process to move, process_group is the new process group.

int getpgid(int process_id);

Find the process group of a process. Process_id is the process to inspect.

int getpgrp(void);

Find the process group of the current process. This is identical to getpgrp(getpid()).

int tcsetpgrp(int tty, int foreground_group);

Change the foreground process group of a tty. Tty is the file descriptor of the tty to change, foreground_group is the new foreground process group.

int tcgetpgrp(int tty, int *foreground_group);

Find the foreground process group of a tty. Tty is the file descriptor of the tty to inspect, foreground_group is returned filled with the foreground process group of the tty.

int kill(int -process_group, int signal_number);

Send a signal to a process group. Note that process_group must be passed as a negative value, otherwise the signal goes to the indicated process.

Differences between POSIX and BSD Process Group Management

The setpgrp() function is called setpgid() under POSIX and is essentially identical. You must be careful under POSIX not to use the setpgrp() function -- usually it exists, but performs the operation of setsid().

The getpgrp() function was renamed getpgid(), and getpgid() can only inspect the current process' process group.

The killpgrp() function doesn't exist at all. Instead, a negative value passed to the kill() function is taken to mean the process group. Thus you'd perform killpgrp(process_group) by calling kill(-process_group).

The ioctl() commands for querying and changing the foreground process group are replaced with first-class functions:

  • int tcsetpgrp(int tty, int process_group);
  • int tcgetpgrp(int tty, int *process_group);

While the original BSD ioctl() functions would allow any tty to take on any process group (or even nonexistant process groups) as its foreground tty, POSIX allows only process groups which have the tty as their controlling tty. This limitation disallows some ambiguous (and potentially security-undermining) cases present in BSD.

The TIOCNOTTY ioctl used in BSD is replaced with the setsid() function, which is essentially identical to:

if (getpgrp() != getpid()) { ioctl(tty, TIOCNOTTY, 0); setpgrp(getpid(), getpid()); }

It releases the current tty and puts the calling process into its own process group. Notice that nothing is done if the calling process is already in its own process group -- this is another new limitation, and eliminates some ambiguous cases that existed in BSD (along with some of BSD's flexibility).

Reference :

Vim - Cheatsheet

A cheat sheet of some useful and most often used Vim commands. This Vim cheat sheet isn't trying to include all the Vim commands in the known universe, but should list the most essential ones.

Author: Nana Långstedt <>
tuXfile created: 18 January 2003
Last modified: 22 September 2005

< The list of Vim commands >

Working with files
Vim command Action
:e filename Open a new file. You can use the Tab key for automatic file name completion, just like at the shell command prompt.
:w filename Save changes to a file. If you don't specify a file name, Vim saves as the file name you were editing. For saving the file under a different name, specify the file name.
:q Quit Vim. If you have unsaved changes, Vim refuses to exit.
:q! Exit Vim without saving changes.
:wq Write the file and exit.
:x Almost the same as :wq, write the file and exit if you've made changes to the file. If you haven't made any changes to the file, Vim exits without writing the file.
These Vim commands and keys work both in command mode and visual mode.
Vim command Action
j or Up Arrow Move the cursor up one line.
k or Down Arrow Down one line.
l or Right Arrow Right one character.
h or Left Arrow Left one character.
e To the end of a word.
E To the end of a whitespace-delimited word.
b To the beginning of a word.
B To the beginning of a whitespace-delimited word.
0 To the beginning of a line.
^ To the first non-whitespace character of a line.
$ To the end of a line.
H To the first line of the screen.
M To the middle line of the screen.
L To the the last line of the screen.
:n Jump to line number n. For example, to jump to line 42, you'd type :42
Inserting and overwriting text
Vim command Action
i Insert before cursor.
I Insert to the start of the current line.
a Append after cursor.
A Append to the end of the current line.
o Open a new line below and insert.
O Open a new line above and insert.
C Change the rest of the current line.
r Overwrite one character. After overwriting the single character, go back to command mode.
R Enter insert mode but replace characters rather than inserting.
The ESC key Exit insert/overwrite mode and go back to command mode.
Deleting text
Vim command Action
x Delete characters under the cursor.
X Delete characters before the cursor.
dd or :d Delete the current line.
Entering visual mode
Vim command Action
v Start highlighting characters. Use the normal movement keys and commands to select text for highlighting.
V Start highlighting lines.
The ESC key Exit visual mode and return to command mode.
Editing blocks of text
The Vim commands marked with (V) work in visual mode, when you've selected some text. The other commands work in the command mode, when you haven't selected any text.
Vim command Action
~ Change the case of characters. This works both in visual and command mode. In visual mode, change the case of highlighted characters. In command mode, change the case of the character uder cursor.
> (V) Shift right.
< (V) Shift left.
c (V) Change the highlighted text.
y (V) Yank the highlighted text. In Winblows terms, "copy the selected text to clipboard."
d (V) Delete the highlighted text. In Winblows terms, "cut the selected text to clipboard."
yy or :y or Y Yank the current line. You don't need to highlight it first.
dd or :d Delete the current line. Again, you don't need to highlight it first.
p In Winblows terms, "paste" the contents of the "clipboard". In Vim terms, you "put" the text you yanked or deleted. Put characters after the cursor. Put lines below the current line.
P Put characters before the cursor. Put lines above the current line.
Undo and redo
Vim command Action
u Undo the last action.
U Undo all the latest changes that were made to the current line.
Ctrl + r Redo.
Vim command Action
/pattern Search the file for pattern.
n Scan for next search match in the same direction.
N Scan for next search match but opposite direction.
Vim command Action
:rs/foo/bar/a Substitute foo with bar. r determines the range and a determines the arguments.
The range (r) can be
nothing Work on current line only.
number Work on the line whose number you give.
% The whole file.
Arguments (a) can be
g Replace all occurrences in the line. Without this, Vim replaces only the first occurrences in each line.
i Ignore case for the search pattern.
I Don't ignore case.
c Confirm each substitution. You can type y to substitute this match, n to skip this match, a to substitute this and all the remaining matches ("Yes to all"), and q to quit substitution.
:452s/foo/bar/ Replace the first occurrence of the word foo with bar on line number 452.
:s/foo/bar/g Replace every occurrence of the word foo with bar on current line.
:%s/foo/bar/g Replace every occurrence of the word foo with bar in the whole file.
:%s/foo/bar/gi The same as above, but ignore the case of the pattern you want to substitute. This replaces foo, FOO, Foo, and so on.
:%s/foo/bar/gc Confirm every substitution.
:%s/foo/bar/c For each line on the file, replace the first occurrence of foo with bar and confirm every substitution.

Play Windows Games on Linux - Try Cedega Today !

So, you are 1 out of many people who use windows just for gaming ??? If so, you can try this cedega tool and check whether your favourite game works on linux ! There are a few options when it comes to playing Windows games on Linux. Cedega is a great tool to allow you to play these games under Linux.

You can check whether your favourite game is supported by cedega here. (

Remember that latest versions of cedega is not free. You may need to subscribe it here

But, older stable version can be downloaded from their cvs and compiled :)

Compilation Instructions :

Help Script :

If you are scared about compiling by yourself, dont worry ! Your favourite linux distribution (Ubuntu, Suse, Fedora ...) might have already packaged it for you. Just check in their repositories :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Linux Signals for the Application Programmer

Introduction about the usage of signals in Linux ...

A good understanding of signals is important for an application programmer working in the Linux environment. Knowledge of the signaling mechanism and familiarity with signal-related functions help one write programs more efficiently.

An application program executes sequentially if every instruction runs properly. In case of an error or any anomaly during the execution of a program, the kernel can use signals to notify the process. Signals also have been used to communicate and synchronize processes and to simplify interprocess communications (IPCs). Although we now have advanced synchronization tools and many IPC mechanisms, signals play a vital role in Linux for handling exceptions and interrupts. Signals have been used for approximately 30 years without any major modifications.

The first 31 signals are standard signals, some of which date back to 1970s UNIX from Bell Labs. The POSIX (Portable Operating Systems and Interface for UNIX) standard introduced a new class of signals designated as real-time signals, with numbers ranging from 32 to 63.

A signal is generated when an event occurs, and then the kernel passes the event to a receiving process. Sometimes a process can send a signal to other processes. Besides process-to-process signaling, there are many situations when the kernel originates a signal, such as when file size exceeds limits, when an I/O device is ready, when encountering an illegal instruction or when the user sends a terminal interrupt like Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Z.

Every signal has a name starting with SIG and is defined as a positive unique integer number. In a shell prompt, the kill -l command will display all signals with signal number and corresponding signal name. Signal numbers are defined in the /usr/include/bits/signum.h file, and the source file is /usr/src/linux/kernel/signal.c.

A process will receive a signal when it is running in user mode. If the receiving process is running in kernel mode, the execution of the signal will start only after the process returns to user mode.

Signals sent to a non-running process must be saved by the kernel until the process resumes execution. Sleeping processes can be interruptible or uninterruptible. If a process receives a signal when it is in an interruptible sleep state, for example, waiting for terminal I/O, the kernel will awaken the process to handle the signal. If a process receives a signal when it is in uninterruptible sleep, such as waiting for disk I/O, the kernel defers the signal until the event completes.

When a process receives a signal, one of three things could happen. First, the process could ignore the signal. Second, it could catch the signal and execute a special function called a signal handler. Third, it could execute the default action for that signal; for example, the default action for signal 15, SIGTERM, is to terminate the process. Some signals cannot be ignored, and others do not have default actions, so they are ignored by default. See the signal(7) man page for a reference list of signal names, numbers, default actions and whether they can be caught.

When a process executes a signal handler, if some other signal arrives the new signal is blocked until the handler returns. This article explains the fundamentals of the signaling mechanism and elaborates on signal-related functions with syntax and working procedures.

Signals inside the Kernel

Where is the information about a signal stored in the process? The kernel has a fixed-size array of proc structures called the process table. The u or user area of the proc structure maintains control information about a process. The major fields in the u area include signal handlers and related information. The signal handler is an array with each element for each type of signal being defined in the system, indicating the action of the process on the receipt of the signal. The proc structure maintains signal-handling information, such as masks of signals that are ignored, blocked, posted and handled.

Once a signal is generated, the kernel sets a bit in the signal field of the process table entry. If the signal is being ignored, the kernel returns without taking any action. Because the signal field is one bit per signal, multiple occurrences of the same signal are not maintained.

When the signal is delivered, the receiving process should act depending on the signal. The action may be terminating the process, terminating the process after creating a core dump, ignoring the signal, executing the user-defined signal handler (if the signal is caught by the process) or resuming the process if it is temporarily suspended.

The core dump is a file called core, which has an image of the terminated process. It contains the process' variables and stack details at the time of failure. From a core file, the programmer can investigate the reason for termination using a debugger. The word core appears here for a historical reason: main memory used to be made from doughnut-shaped magnets called inductor cores.

Catching a signal means instructing the kernel that if a given signal has occurred, the program's own signal handler should be executed, instead of the default. Two exceptions are SIGKILL and SIGSTOP, which cannot be caught or ignored.

sigset_t is a basic data structure used to store the signals. The structure sent to a process is a sigset_t array of bits, one for each signal type:

typedef struct {
unsigned long sig[2];
} sigset_t;

Because each unsigned long number consists of 32 bits, the maximum number of signals that may be declared in Linux is 64 (according to POSIX compliance). No signal has the number 0, so the other 31 bits in the first element of sigset_t are the standard first 31 signals, and the bits in the second element are the real-time signal numbers 32-64. The size of sigset_t is 128 bytes.

Reference :

Friday, May 22, 2009

Managing Tasks on x86 Processors !

Just came across an article about tasks in x86 ...

Intel's x86 microprocessors can automatically manage tasks just like a simple operating system. There are many tricks and pitfalls, however, but with the right approach the programmer can get great performance at zero cost.

Just about every embedded system does some sort of task switching or task management. You don't always have to use a full-size operating system or RTOS to do task management; sometimes a little kernel executive is enough or even a quick time-slice interrupt. In the extreme case, you don't need any software at all: the processor can manage tasks for you. In this article, we'll drill into the x86 task-management features.

Hardware task-management started with the '386 and continues to this day on chips like the old '486 and Pentium as well as the newer Athlon, Opteron, and Pentium 4 processors. It's a terrific feature for embedded systems programmers because it makes task management fairly simple and foolproof. Whether you're managing just two tasks or dozens, you can probably let the chip do it all for you—for free.

Reference :

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Anatomy of a Program in Memory

Just found it interesting about linux memory management ...

Memory management is the heart of operating systems; it is crucial for both programming and system administration. In the next few posts I’ll cover memory with an eye towards practical aspects, but without shying away from internals. While the concepts are generic, examples are mostly from Linux and Windows on 32-bit x86. This first post describes how programs are laid out in memory.

Each process in a multi-tasking OS runs in its own memory sandbox. This sandbox is the virtual address space, which in 32-bit mode is always a 4GB block of memory addresses. These virtual addresses are mapped to physical memory by page tables, which are maintained by the operating system kernel and consulted by the processor. Each process has its own set of page tables, but there is a catch. Once virtual addresses are enabled, they apply to all software running in the machine, including the kernel itself. Thus a portion of the virtual address space must be reserved to the kernel:

Please continue reading from the reference site ...

Reference :

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hello, world! - Assembly in Linux

One program which I like most. This would be my first program in any language which Im learning. Because, this helps me to setup that programming environment and also which gives me a lot of confidence :)

 ## hello-world.s

## by Robin Miyagi

## Compile Instructions:
## -------------------------------------------------------------
## as -o hello-world.o hello-world.s
## ld -o hello-world -O0 hello-world.o

## This file is a basic demonstration of the GNU assembler,
## `as'.

## This program displays a friendly string on the screen using
## the write () system call
.section .data
.ascii "Hello, world!\n"
.long . - hello
.section .text
.globl _start

## display string using write () system call
xorl %ebx, %ebx # %ebx = 0
movl $4, %eax # write () system call
xorl %ebx, %ebx # %ebx = 0
incl %ebx # %ebx = 1, fd = stdout
leal hello, %ecx # %ecx ---> hello
movl hello_len, %edx # %edx = count
int $0x80 # execute write () system call

## terminate program via _exit () system call
xorl %eax, %eax # %eax = 0
incl %eax # %eax = 1 system call _exit ()
xorl %ebx, %ebx # %ebx = 0 normal program return code
int $0x80 # execute system call _exit ()

Of course, credits goes to the author.

Assembly Language ...

I have last worked on assembly in my college days ... So while in the processing of understanding kernel 0.01, these are some of the links which im using ...

And ofcourse, my favourite

Saturday, April 25, 2009

About First Linux Announcement and Linus !

From: Linus Benedict Torvalds [email blocked]
Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
Subject: What would you like to see most in minix?
Date: 25 Aug 91 20:57:08 GMT

Hello everybody out there using minix -

I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and
professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing
since april, and is starting to get ready. I'd like any feedback on
things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat
(same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons)
among other things).

I've currently ported bash(1.08) and gcc(1.40), and things seem to work.
This implies that I'll get something practical within a few months, and
I'd like to know what features most people would want. Any suggestions
are welcome, but I won't promise I'll implement them :-)

Linus (torva... at

PS. Yes - it's free of any minix code, and it has a multi-threaded fs.
It is NOT protable (uses 386 task switching etc), and it probably never
will support anything other than AT-harddisks, as that's all I have :-(.

Rererence :

Linux Kernel 0.01 - Try in Qemu !

Interesting ... Dont miss it ...

From: Abdel 
Subject: linux 0.01 released
Date: Jan 1, 4:56 pm 2008

Hello everybody and happy new year,

I have ported linux 0.01 to gcc-4.x, and bach-3.2 (and few others
programs) can run on it.

so you will find binary Image of linux 0.01 floppy and qemu hdd here:

to run it on qemu :
> qemu -hdb hd_oldlinux.img -fda linux-0.01-3.3.omg -boot a
nb : also work with bochs, and I have not tested it (yet) on real computer.


kernel source code :

to see change from original linux 0.01 to linux-0.01-3.3 see

doc :


If you have some problem runing linux 0.01 you can mail me :)


Abdel Benamrouche

Reference :

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Emacs - Cheatsheet

Useful one ...

| |
| Readline Emacs Editing Mode |
| Default Keyboard Shortcut |
| Cheat Sheet |
| |
| Peteris Krumins (, 2007.10.30 |
| - good coders code, great reuse |
| |
| Released under the GNU Free Document License |

======================== Keyboard Shortcut Summary ========================

| | | |
| Shortcut | Function | Description |
| | | |
| Commands for Moving: |
| C-a | beginning-of-line | Move to the beginning of line. |
| C-e | end-of-line | Move to the end of line. |
| C-f | forward-char | Move forward a character. |
| C-b | backward-char | Move back a character. |
| M-f | forward-word | Move forward a word. |
| M-b | backward-word | Move backward a word. |
| C-l | clear-screen | Clear the screen leaving the current |
| | | line at the top of the screen. |
| (unbound) | redraw-current- | Refresh the current line. |
| | line | |
| Commands for Changing Text: |
| C-d | delete-char | Delete one character at point. |
| Rubout | backward-delete- | Delete one character backward. |
| | char | |
| C-q or C-v | quoted-insert | Quoted insert. |
| M-TAB or | tab-insert | Insert a tab character. |
| M-C-i | | |
| a, b, A, 1, | self-insert | Insert the character typed. |
| ... | | |
| C-t | transpose-chars | Exchange the char before cursor with |
| | | the character at cursor. |
| M-t | transpose-words | Exchange the word before cursor with |
| | | the word at cursor. |
| M-u | upcase-word | Uppercase the current word. |
| M-l | downcase-word | Lowercase the current word. |
| M-c | capitalize-word | Capitalize the current word. |
| (unbound) | overwrite-mode | Toggle overwrite mode. |
| Killing and Yanking: |
| C-k | kill-line | Kill the text from point to the end of |
| | | the line. |
| C-x Rubout | backward-kill | Kill backward to the beginning of the |
| | -line | line. |
| C-u | unix-line-discard | Kill backward from point to the |
| | | beginning of the line. |
| M-d | kill-word | Kill from point to the end of the |
| | | current word. |
| M-Rubout | backward-kill-word| Kill the word behind point. |
| C-w | unix-word-rubout | Kill the word behind point, using |
| | | white space as a word boundary. |
| M-\ | delete- | Delete all spaces and tabs around |
| | horizontal-space | point. |
| C-y | yank | Yank the top of the kill ring into the |
| | | buffer at point. |
| M-y | yank-pop | Rotate the kill ring, and yank the new |
| | | top |
| (unbound) | kill-whole-line | Kill all characters on the current |
| | | line |
| (unbound) | kill-region | Kill the text between the point and |
| | | mark. |
| (unbound) | copy-region-as- | Copy the text in the region to the |
| | kill | kill buffer. |
| (unbound) | copy-backward- | Copy the word before point to the kill |
| | word | buffer. |
| (unbound) | copy-forward-word | Copy the word following point to the |
| | | kill buffer. |
| Keyboard Macros: |
| C-x ( | start-kbd-macro | Begin saving the chars typed into the |
| | | current keyboard macro. |
| C-x ) | end-kbd-macro | End saving the chars typed into the |
| | | current keyboard macro. |
| C-x e | call-last-kbd- | Re-execute the last keyboard macro |
| | macro | defined. |
| Commands for Manipulating the History: |
| Return | accept-line | Accept the line regardless of where |
| | | the cursor is. |
| C-p | previous-history | Fetch the previous command from the |
| | | history list. |
| C-n | next-history | Fetch the next command from the |
| | | history list. |
| M-< | beginning-of- | Move to the first line in the history. |
| | history | |
| M-> | end-of-history | Move to the end of the input history |
| C-r | reverse-search- | Search backward starting at the |
| | history | current line (incremental). |
| C-s | forward-search- | Search forward starting at the current |
| | history | line (incremental). |
| M-p | non-incremental- | Search backward using non-incremental |
| | reverse-search- | search. |
| | history | |
| M-n | non-incremental- | Search forward using non-incremental |
| | forward-search- | search. |
| | history | |
| M-C-y | yank-nth-arg | Insert the n-th argument to the |
| | | previous command at point. |
| M-. M-_ | yank-last-arg | Insert the last argument to the |
| | | previous command. |
| (unbound) | history-search- | Search forward for a string between |
| | backward | start of line and point. |
| (unbound) | history-search- | Search backward for a string between |
| | forward | start of line and point. |
| Completing: |
| TAB | complete | Attempt to perform completion on the |
| | | text before point. |
| M-? | possible- | List the possible completions of the |
| | completions | text before point. |
| M-* | insert- | Insert all completions of the text |
| | completions | before point generated by |
| | | possible-completions. |
| (unbound) | menu-complete | Similar to complete but replaces the |
| | | word with the first match. |
| (unbound) | delete-char-or- | Deletes the car if not at the |
| | list | beginning of line or acts like |
| | | possible-completions at the end of |
| | | the line. |
| Miscellaneous: |
| C-x C-r | re-read-init-file | Read and execute the contents of |
| | | inputrc file. |
| C-g | abort | Abort the current editing command and |
| | | ring the terminal's bell. |
| M-a, M-b, | do-uppercase- | If the metafield char 'x' is lowercase |
| M-x, ... | version | run the command that is bound to |
| | | uppercase char. |
| ESC | prefix-meta | Metafy the next character typed. |
| | | For example, ESC-p is equivalent to |
| | | Meta-p |
| C-_ or | undo | Incremental undo, separately |
| C-x C-u | | remembered for each line. |
| M-r | revert-line | Undo all changes made to this line. |
| M-& | tilde-expand | Perform tilde expansion on the current |
| | | word. |
| C-@ or | set-mark | Set the mark to the point. |
| M- | | |
| C-x C-x | exchange-point- | Swap the point with the mark. |
| | and-mark | |
| C-] | character-search | Move to the next occurance of current |
| | | character under cursor. |
| M-C-] | character-search- | Move to the previous occurrence of |
| | backward | current character under cursor. |
| M-# | insert-comment | Without argument line is commented, |
| | | with argument uncommented (if it was |
| | | commented). |
| C-e | emacs-editing- | When in vi mode, switch to emacs mode. |
| | mode | |
| M-C-j | vi-editing-mode | When in emacs mode, switch to vi mode. |
| M-0, M-1, | digit-argument | Specify the digit to the argument. |
| ..., M-- | | M-- starts a negative argument. |
| (unbound) | dump-functions | Print all of the functions and their |
| | | key bindings. |
| (unbound) | dump-variables | Print all of the settable variables |
| | | and their values. |
| (unbound) | dump-macros | Print all of the key sequences bound |
| | | to macros. |
| (unbound) | universal- | Either sets argument or multiplies the |
| | argument | current argument by 4. |


| Peteris Krumins (, 2007.10.30 |
| - good coders code, great reuse |
| |
| Released under the GNU Free Document License |

You can also download it from here as pdf.

Reference :

Monday, April 20, 2009

How to Get Your Change Into the Linux Kernel ? / Submitting Patches

As title says ...

2 How to Get Your Change Into the Linux Kernel
3 or
4 Care And Operation Of Your Linus Torvalds
8For a person or company who wishes to submit a change to the Linux
9kernel, the process can sometimes be daunting if you're not familiar
10with "the system." This text is a collection of suggestions which
11can greatly increase the chances of your change being accepted.
13Read Documentation/SubmitChecklist for a list of items to check
14before submitting code. If you are submitting a driver, also read
251) "diff -up"
28Use "diff -up" or "diff -uprN" to create patches.
30All changes to the Linux kernel occur in the form of patches, as
31generated by diff(1). When creating your patch, make sure to create it
32in "unified diff" format, as supplied by the '-u' argument to diff(1).
33Also, please use the '-p' argument which shows which C function each
34change is in - that makes the resultant diff a lot easier to read.
35Patches should be based in the root kernel source directory,
36not in any lower subdirectory.
38To create a patch for a single file, it is often sufficient to do:
40 SRCTREE= linux-2.6
41 MYFILE= drivers/net/mydriver.c
43 cd $SRCTREE
44 cp $MYFILE $MYFILE.orig
45 vi $MYFILE # make your change
46 cd ..
47 diff -up $SRCTREE/$MYFILE{.orig,} > /tmp/patch
49To create a patch for multiple files, you should unpack a "vanilla",
50or unmodified kernel source tree, and generate a diff against your
51own source tree. For example:
53 MYSRC= /devel/linux-2.6
55 tar xvfz linux-2.6.12.tar.gz
56 mv linux-2.6.12 linux-2.6.12-vanilla
57 diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.12-vanilla/Documentation/dontdiff \
58 linux-2.6.12-vanilla $MYSRC > /tmp/patch
60"dontdiff" is a list of files which are generated by the kernel during
61the build process, and should be ignored in any diff(1)-generated
62patch. The "dontdiff" file is included in the kernel tree in
632.6.12 and later. For earlier kernel versions, you can get it
64from <>.
66Make sure your patch does not include any extra files which do not
67belong in a patch submission. Make sure to review your patch -after-
68generated it with diff(1), to ensure accuracy.
70If your changes produce a lot of deltas, you may want to look into
71splitting them into individual patches which modify things in
72logical stages. This will facilitate easier reviewing by other
73kernel developers, very important if you want your patch accepted.
74There are a number of scripts which can aid in this:
79Andrew Morton's patch scripts:
81Instead of these scripts, quilt is the recommended patch management
82tool (see above).
862) Describe your changes.
88Describe the technical detail of the change(s) your patch includes.
90Be as specific as possible. The WORST descriptions possible include
91things like "update driver X", "bug fix for driver X", or "this patch
92includes updates for subsystem X. Please apply."
94If your description starts to get long, that's a sign that you probably
95need to split up your patch. See #3, next.
993) Separate your changes.
101Separate _logical changes_ into a single patch file.
103For example, if your changes include both bug fixes and performance
104enhancements for a single driver, separate those changes into two
105or more patches. If your changes include an API update, and a new
106driver which uses that new API, separate those into two patches.
108On the other hand, if you make a single change to numerous files,
109group those changes into a single patch. Thus a single logical change
110is contained within a single patch.
112If one patch depends on another patch in order for a change to be
113complete, that is OK. Simply note "this patch depends on patch X"
114in your patch description.
116If you cannot condense your patch set into a smaller set of patches,
117then only post say 15 or so at a time and wait for review and integration.
1214) Style check your changes.
123Check your patch for basic style violations, details of which can be
124found in Documentation/CodingStyle. Failure to do so simply wastes
125the reviewers time and will get your patch rejected, probably
126without even being read.
128At a minimum you should check your patches with the patch style
129checker prior to submission (scripts/ You should
130be able to justify all violations that remain in your patch.
1345) Select e-mail destination.
136Look through the MAINTAINERS file and the source code, and determine
137if your change applies to a specific subsystem of the kernel, with
138an assigned maintainer. If so, e-mail that person.
140If no maintainer is listed, or the maintainer does not respond, send
141your patch to the primary Linux kernel developer's mailing list, Most kernel developers monitor this
143e-mail list, and can comment on your changes.
146Do not send more than 15 patches at once to the vger mailing lists!!!
149Linus Torvalds is the final arbiter of all changes accepted into the
150Linux kernel. His e-mail address is .
151He gets a lot of e-mail, so typically you should do your best to -avoid-
152sending him e-mail.
154Patches which are bug fixes, are "obvious" changes, or similarly
155require little discussion should be sent or CC'd to Linus. Patches
156which require discussion or do not have a clear advantage should
157usually be sent first to linux-kernel. Only after the patch is
158discussed should the patch then be submitted to Linus.
1626) Select your CC (e-mail carbon copy) list.
164Unless you have a reason NOT to do so, CC
166Other kernel developers besides Linus need to be aware of your change,
167so that they may comment on it and offer code review and suggestions.
168linux-kernel is the primary Linux kernel developer mailing list.
169Other mailing lists are available for specific subsystems, such as
170USB, framebuffer devices, the VFS, the SCSI subsystem, etc. See the
171MAINTAINERS file for a mailing list that relates specifically to
172your change.
174Majordomo lists of VGER.KERNEL.ORG at:
175 <>
177If changes affect userland-kernel interfaces, please send
178the MAN-PAGES maintainer (as listed in the MAINTAINERS file)
179a man-pages patch, or at least a notification of the change,
180so that some information makes its way into the manual pages.
182Even if the maintainer did not respond in step #4, make sure to ALWAYS
183copy the maintainer when you change their code.
185For small patches you may want to CC the Trivial Patch Monkey managed by Jesper Juhl; which collects "trivial"
187patches. Trivial patches must qualify for one of the following rules:
188 Spelling fixes in documentation
189 Spelling fixes which could break grep(1)
190 Warning fixes (cluttering with useless warnings is bad)
191 Compilation fixes (only if they are actually correct)
192 Runtime fixes (only if they actually fix things)
193 Removing use of deprecated functions/macros (eg. check_region)
194 Contact detail and documentation fixes
195 Non-portable code replaced by portable code (even in arch-specific,
196 since people copy, as long as it's trivial)
197 Any fix by the author/maintainer of the file (ie. patch monkey
198 in re-transmission mode)
199URL: <>
2037) No MIME, no links, no compression, no attachments. Just plain text.
205Linus and other kernel developers need to be able to read and comment
206on the changes you are submitting. It is important for a kernel
207developer to be able to "quote" your changes, using standard e-mail
208tools, so that they may comment on specific portions of your code.
210For this reason, all patches should be submitting e-mail "inline".
211WARNING: Be wary of your editor's word-wrap corrupting your patch,
212if you choose to cut-n-paste your patch.
214Do not attach the patch as a MIME attachment, compressed or not.
215Many popular e-mail applications will not always transmit a MIME
216attachment as plain text, making it impossible to comment on your
217code. A MIME attachment also takes Linus a bit more time to process,
218decreasing the likelihood of your MIME-attached change being accepted.
220Exception: If your mailer is mangling patches then someone may ask
221you to re-send them using MIME.
223See Documentation/email-clients.txt for hints about configuring
224your e-mail client so that it sends your patches untouched.
2268) E-mail size.
228When sending patches to Linus, always follow step #7.
230Large changes are not appropriate for mailing lists, and some
231maintainers. If your patch, uncompressed, exceeds 40 kB in size,
232it is preferred that you store your patch on an Internet-accessible
233server, and provide instead a URL (link) pointing to your patch.
2379) Name your kernel version.
239It is important to note, either in the subject line or in the patch
240description, the kernel version to which this patch applies.
242If the patch does not apply cleanly to the latest kernel version,
243Linus will not apply it.
24710) Don't get discouraged. Re-submit.
249After you have submitted your change, be patient and wait. If Linus
250likes your change and applies it, it will appear in the next version
251of the kernel that he releases.
253However, if your change doesn't appear in the next version of the
254kernel, there could be any number of reasons. It's YOUR job to
255narrow down those reasons, correct what was wrong, and submit your
256updated change.
258It is quite common for Linus to "drop" your patch without comment.
259That's the nature of the system. If he drops your patch, it could be
260due to
261* Your patch did not apply cleanly to the latest kernel version.
262* Your patch was not sufficiently discussed on linux-kernel.
263* A style issue (see section 2).
264* An e-mail formatting issue (re-read this section).
265* A technical problem with your change.
266* He gets tons of e-mail, and yours got lost in the shuffle.
267* You are being annoying.
269When in doubt, solicit comments on linux-kernel mailing list.
27311) Include PATCH in the subject
275Due to high e-mail traffic to Linus, and to linux-kernel, it is common
276convention to prefix your subject line with [PATCH]. This lets Linus
277and other kernel developers more easily distinguish patches from other
278e-mail discussions.
28212) Sign your work
284To improve tracking of who did what, especially with patches that can
285percolate to their final resting place in the kernel through several
286layers of maintainers, we've introduced a "sign-off" procedure on
287patches that are being emailed around.
289The sign-off is a simple line at the end of the explanation for the
290patch, which certifies that you wrote it or otherwise have the right to
291pass it on as a open-source patch. The rules are pretty simple: if you
292can certify the below:
294 Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
296 By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
298 (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
299 have the right to submit it under the open source license
300 indicated in the file; or
302 (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
303 of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
304 license and I have the right under that license to submit that
305 work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
306 by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
307 permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
308 in the file; or
310 (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
311 person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
312 it.
314 (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
315 are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
316 personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
317 maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
318 this project or the open source license(s) involved.
320then you just add a line saying
322 Signed-off-by: Random J Developer
324using your real name (sorry, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions.)
326Some people also put extra tags at the end. They'll just be ignored for
327now, but you can do this to mark internal company procedures or just
328point out some special detail about the sign-off.
330If you are a subsystem or branch maintainer, sometimes you need to slightly
331modify patches you receive in order to merge them, because the code is not
332exactly the same in your tree and the submitters'. If you stick strictly to
333rule (c), you should ask the submitter to rediff, but this is a totally
334counter-productive waste of time and energy. Rule (b) allows you to adjust
335the code, but then it is very impolite to change one submitter's code and
336make him endorse your bugs. To solve this problem, it is recommended that
337you add a line between the last Signed-off-by header and yours, indicating
338the nature of your changes. While there is nothing mandatory about this, it
339seems like prepending the description with your mail and/or name, all
340enclosed in square brackets, is noticeable enough to make it obvious that
341you are responsible for last-minute changes. Example :
343 Signed-off-by: Random J Developer
344 [ struct foo moved from foo.c to foo.h]
345 Signed-off-by: Lucky K Maintainer
347This practise is particularly helpful if you maintain a stable branch and
348want at the same time to credit the author, track changes, merge the fix,
349and protect the submitter from complaints. Note that under no circumstances
350can you change the author's identity (the From header), as it is the one
351which appears in the changelog.
353Special note to back-porters: It seems to be a common and useful practise
354to insert an indication of the origin of a patch at the top of the commit
355message (just after the subject line) to facilitate tracking. For instance,
356here's what we see in 2.6-stable :
358 Date: Tue May 13 19:10:30 2008 +0000
360 SCSI: libiscsi regression in 2.6.25: fix nop timer handling
362 commit 4cf1043593db6a337f10e006c23c69e5fc93e722 upstream
364And here's what appears in 2.4 :
366 Date: Tue May 13 22:12:27 2008 +0200
368 wireless, airo: waitbusy() won't delay
370 [backport of 2.6 commit b7acbdfbd1f277c1eb23f344f899cfa4cd0bf36a]
372Whatever the format, this information provides a valuable help to people
373tracking your trees, and to people trying to trouble-shoot bugs in your
37713) When to use Acked-by: and Cc:
379The Signed-off-by: tag indicates that the signer was involved in the
380development of the patch, or that he/she was in the patch's delivery path.
382If a person was not directly involved in the preparation or handling of a
383patch but wishes to signify and record their approval of it then they can
384arrange to have an Acked-by: line added to the patch's changelog.
386Acked-by: is often used by the maintainer of the affected code when that
387maintainer neither contributed to nor forwarded the patch.
389Acked-by: is not as formal as Signed-off-by:. It is a record that the acker
390has at least reviewed the patch and has indicated acceptance. Hence patch
391mergers will sometimes manually convert an acker's "yep, looks good to me"
392into an Acked-by:.
394Acked-by: does not necessarily indicate acknowledgement of the entire patch.
395For example, if a patch affects multiple subsystems and has an Acked-by: from
396one subsystem maintainer then this usually indicates acknowledgement of just
397the part which affects that maintainer's code. Judgement should be used here.
398When in doubt people should refer to the original discussion in the mailing
399list archives.
401If a person has had the opportunity to comment on a patch, but has not
402provided such comments, you may optionally add a "Cc:" tag to the patch.
403This is the only tag which might be added without an explicit action by the
404person it names. This tag documents that potentially interested parties
405have been included in the discussion
40814) Using Tested-by: and Reviewed-by:
410A Tested-by: tag indicates that the patch has been successfully tested (in
411some environment) by the person named. This tag informs maintainers that
412some testing has been performed, provides a means to locate testers for
413future patches, and ensures credit for the testers.
415Reviewed-by:, instead, indicates that the patch has been reviewed and found
416acceptable according to the Reviewer's Statement:
418 Reviewer's statement of oversight
420 By offering my Reviewed-by: tag, I state that:
422 (a) I have carried out a technical review of this patch to
423 evaluate its appropriateness and readiness for inclusion into
424 the mainline kernel.
426 (b) Any problems, concerns, or questions relating to the patch
427 have been communicated back to the submitter. I am satisfied
428 with the submitter's response to my comments.
430 (c) While there may be things that could be improved with this
431 submission, I believe that it is, at this time, (1) a
432 worthwhile modification to the kernel, and (2) free of known
433 issues which would argue against its inclusion.
435 (d) While I have reviewed the patch and believe it to be sound, I
436 do not (unless explicitly stated elsewhere) make any
437 warranties or guarantees that it will achieve its stated
438 purpose or function properly in any given situation.
440A Reviewed-by tag is a statement of opinion that the patch is an
441appropriate modification of the kernel without any remaining serious
442technical issues. Any interested reviewer (who has done the work) can
443offer a Reviewed-by tag for a patch. This tag serves to give credit to
444reviewers and to inform maintainers of the degree of review which has been
445done on the patch. Reviewed-by: tags, when supplied by reviewers known to
446understand the subject area and to perform thorough reviews, will normally
447increase the liklihood of your patch getting into the kernel.
45015) The canonical patch format
452The canonical patch subject line is:
454 Subject: [PATCH 001/123] subsystem: summary phrase
456The canonical patch message body contains the following:
458 - A "from" line specifying the patch author.
460 - An empty line.
462 - The body of the explanation, which will be copied to the
463 permanent changelog to describe this patch.
465 - The "Signed-off-by:" lines, described above, which will
466 also go in the changelog.
468 - A marker line containing simply "---".
470 - Any additional comments not suitable for the changelog.
472 - The actual patch (diff output).
474The Subject line format makes it very easy to sort the emails
475alphabetically by subject line - pretty much any email reader will
476support that - since because the sequence number is zero-padded,
477the numerical and alphabetic sort is the same.
479The "subsystem" in the email's Subject should identify which
480area or subsystem of the kernel is being patched.
482The "summary phrase" in the email's Subject should concisely
483describe the patch which that email contains. The "summary
484phrase" should not be a filename. Do not use the same "summary
485phrase" for every patch in a whole patch series (where a "patch
486series" is an ordered sequence of multiple, related patches).
488Bear in mind that the "summary phrase" of your email becomes
489a globally-unique identifier for that patch. It propagates
490all the way into the git changelog. The "summary phrase" may
491later be used in developer discussions which refer to the patch.
492People will want to google for the "summary phrase" to read
493discussion regarding that patch.
495A couple of example Subjects:
497 Subject: [patch 2/5] ext2: improve scalability of bitmap searching
498 Subject: [PATCHv2 001/207] x86: fix eflags tracking
500The "from" line must be the very first line in the message body,
501and has the form:
503 From: Original Author
505The "from" line specifies who will be credited as the author of the
506patch in the permanent changelog. If the "from" line is missing,
507then the "From:" line from the email header will be used to determine
508the patch author in the changelog.
510The explanation body will be committed to the permanent source
511changelog, so should make sense to a competent reader who has long
512since forgotten the immediate details of the discussion that might
513have led to this patch.
515The "---" marker line serves the essential purpose of marking for patch
516handling tools where the changelog message ends.
518One good use for the additional comments after the "---" marker is for
519a diffstat, to show what files have changed, and the number of inserted
520and deleted lines per file. A diffstat is especially useful on bigger
521patches. Other comments relevant only to the moment or the maintainer,
522not suitable for the permanent changelog, should also go here.
523Use diffstat options "-p 1 -w 70" so that filenames are listed from the
524top of the kernel source tree and don't use too much horizontal space
525(easily fit in 80 columns, maybe with some indentation).
527See more details on the proper patch format in the following
53116) Sending "git pull" requests (from Linus emails)
533Please write the git repo address and branch name alone on the same line
534so that I can't even by mistake pull from the wrong branch, and so
535that a triple-click just selects the whole thing.
537So the proper format is something along the lines of:
539 "Please pull from
541 git:// i2c-for-linus
543 to get these changes:"
545so that I don't have to hunt-and-peck for the address and inevitably
546get it wrong (actually, I've only gotten it wrong a few times, and
547checking against the diffstat tells me when I get it wrong, but I'm
548just a lot more comfortable when I don't have to "look for" the right
549thing to pull, and double-check that I have the right branch-name).
552Please use "git diff -M --stat --summary" to generate the diffstat:
553the -M enables rename detection, and the summary enables a summary of
554new/deleted or renamed files.
556With rename detection, the statistics are rather different [...]
557because git will notice that a fair number of the changes are renames.
563This section lists many of the common "rules" associated with code
564submitted to the kernel. There are always exceptions... but you must
565have a really good reason for doing so. You could probably call this
566section Linus Computer Science 101.
5701) Read Documentation/CodingStyle
572Nuff said. If your code deviates too much from this, it is likely
573to be rejected without further review, and without comment.
575One significant exception is when moving code from one file to
576another -- in this case you should not modify the moved code at all in
577the same patch which moves it. This clearly delineates the act of
578moving the code and your changes. This greatly aids review of the
579actual differences and allows tools to better track the history of
580the code itself.
582Check your patches with the patch style checker prior to submission
583(scripts/ The style checker should be viewed as
584a guide not as the final word. If your code looks better with
585a violation then its probably best left alone.
587The checker reports at three levels:
588 - ERROR: things that are very likely to be wrong
589 - WARNING: things requiring careful review
590 - CHECK: things requiring thought
592You should be able to justify all violations that remain in your
5972) #ifdefs are ugly
599Code cluttered with ifdefs is difficult to read and maintain. Don't do
600it. Instead, put your ifdefs in a header, and conditionally define
601'static inline' functions, or macros, which are used in the code.
602Let the compiler optimize away the "no-op" case.
604Simple example, of poor code:
606 dev = alloc_etherdev (sizeof(struct funky_private));
607 if (!dev)
608 return -ENODEV;
610 init_funky_net(dev);
611 #endif
613Cleaned-up example:
615(in header)
617 static inline void init_funky_net (struct net_device *d) {}
618 #endif
620(in the code itself)
621 dev = alloc_etherdev (sizeof(struct funky_private));
622 if (!dev)
623 return -ENODEV;
624 init_funky_net(dev);
6283) 'static inline' is better than a macro
630Static inline functions are greatly preferred over macros.
631They provide type safety, have no length limitations, no formatting
632limitations, and under gcc they are as cheap as macros.
634Macros should only be used for cases where a static inline is clearly
635suboptimal [there are a few, isolated cases of this in fast paths],
636or where it is impossible to use a static inline function [such as
639'static inline' is preferred over 'static __inline__', 'extern inline',
640and 'extern __inline__'.
6444) Don't over-design.
646Don't try to anticipate nebulous future cases which may or may not
647be useful: "Make it as simple as you can, and no simpler."
655Andrew Morton, "The perfect patch" (tpp).
656 <>
658Jeff Garzik, "Linux kernel patch submission format".
659 <>
661Greg Kroah-Hartman, "How to piss off a kernel subsystem maintainer".
662 <>
663 <>
664 <>
665 <>
667NO!!!! No more huge patch bombs to people!
668 <>
670Kernel Documentation/CodingStyle:
671 <>
673Linus Torvalds's mail on the canonical patch format:
674 <>
676Andi Kleen, "On submitting kernel patches"
677 Some strategies to get difficult or controversal changes in.

Reference :